Opsi Opsi Biner Zoomtrader

Review ZoomTrader Pertama dan yang terpenting, ZoomTrader menawarkan lebih dari cukup berbagai aset untuk dipilih, termasuk komoditas yang familier seperti emas, perak, kopi dll, sebagian besar indeks utama, nilai tukar mata uang, dan sejumlah perusahaan multinasional (McDonalds , Facebook dll). Mereka juga menawarkan lima mode yang cukup inovatif dan dirancang dengan baik untuk diperdagangkan. Ini termasuk Digital - sistem prediksi prediksi rendah yang lebih sederhana - pengguna harus memprediksi apakah harga akan tetap berada dalam kisaran yang telah ditentukan. One Touch ndash akan menyentuh harga pada tingkat yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya atau tidak Sentuh Down Down ndash serupa namun dengan dua pilihan , Dan 60 detik. Modusnya sederhana sekali, dan meski tidak selalu mudah untuk membuat prediksi, grafiknya paling jelas dan mudah dibaca. Sedikit downside adalah sistemnya mungkin sedikit terlalu sederhana untuk trader yang sangat maju. Untuk membuat akun dan melakukan deposit sangat mudah seluruh proses memakan waktu tidak lebih dari lima menit. Anda bisa menyetor melalui kartu kredit, transfer kawat atau metode pembayaran online seperti Moneybookers. Penarikan sebagian besar dilakukan melalui transfer kawat dan mengambil 2 ndash 5 hari sejumlah dokumen identifikasi diperlukan agar proses dimulai. Penarikan kami memakan waktu lima hari. Fitur Khusus Sejumlah fitur menrik membuat situs ini sedikit berbeda dengan pesaingnya. Pertama, ada berbagai bonus tunai yang tersedia, tergantung pada seberapa banyak pengguna bersedia menyetor. Sebagai aturan, semakin besar deposit semakin besar persentase bonusnya. Kami selalu menyarankan Anda untuk memeriksa persyaratan bonus sebelum mengajukan bonus, karena semua bonus datang dengan persyaratan khusus. Juga mengesankan adalah tingkat pembayaran yang ditawarkan oleh orang-orang ini. Pada perdagangan tertentu, pembayarannya setinggi 91, yang merupakan salah satu tingkat tertinggi yang kami temukan. Ada fungsi autotrader yang menarik yang tersedia, yang walaupun sedikit membingungkan pada awalnya menawarkan potensi kemenangan masif sesekali dengan menggandakan persentase kemenangan untuk sebanyak kontrak yang Anda minta. Semakin banyak kontrak yang Anda masuki untuk mendapatkan potensi menang yang lebih tinggi, namun semakin tinggi kemungkinan Anda akan kalah juga. Fungsi perdagangan 60 Second masih relatif sulit ditemukan di situs pilihan biner ZoomTrader menawarkan ini dengan format yang mudah digunakan. Hal ini sangat bagus karena menawarkan pilihan untuk menghasilkan keuntungan dalam satu menit bagi pedagang yang cerdas. Selain itu, mereka memposting Ringkasan Market Daily ringkasan rinci tentang berbagai macam saham dan pasar di seluruh dunia setiap pagi, dalam upaya memberi pedagang keunggulan dengan prediksi mereka. Sejumlah video instruksional dan tutorial tersedia untuk para deposan, dan terakhir, setiap pedagang diberi agen perdagangan pribadi. Agen ini tersedia untuk memberikan pelatihan, saran, dan jawaban atas permintaan lain yang mungkin dimiliki oleh trader. ZoomTrader Baca Tinjauan ZoomTrader Sebelum Mendaftarkan Tinjauan ZoomTrader kami di peluru: Bonus Selamat Datang yang sangat tinggi Platform perdagangan yang hebat Hingga 83 pengembalian terlihat bagus diperbarui Situs web ZoomTrader adalah salah satu broker pilihan biner yang baru saja dibentuk (est. 2012) yang membutuhkan banyak waktu untuk melihat veteran yang sudah aktif dipasarkan dan mencoba melakukan hal yang sama hanya dengan lebih baik. Ini telah bekerja dengan baik untuk ZoomTrader sejauh ini, menjadikannya salah satu merek yang paling dikenal di industri opsi biner hari ini. Bagian dari strategi broker opsi biner seperti yang dapat Anda baca di ulasan ZoomTrader kami adalah menawarkan bonus tinggi serta keuntungan yang sangat kompetitif. Singkatnya, strategi ini telah menghasilkan popularitas yang tak tertandingi di pasar dan pengalaman trading yang sangat menyenangkan bagi semua anggota ZoomTrader. Mulai Trading Dengan ZoomTrader Sekarang Apakah ZoomTrader adalah broker pilihan ideal untuk Anda Cari tahu sekarang dan daftar Klik di sini untuk menuju ke ZoomTrader. Bahasa Fakta ZoomTrader. Inggris, Spanyol, Prancis, Jerman, Arab, Italia, Korea, Polandia, Portugis, Belanda, Rusia Jenis Pilihan. High Low, One Touch, Range, Double Touch, Turbo Bonus. Sampai dengan dan bahkan lebih dari 100 Minimum deposit awal. 250 Kembali (HighLow). Sampai dengan 83 Metode Pembayaran. American Express, UnionPay, Visa, WebMoney, Transfer Kawat, Yandex, Bancario, JCB, Moneta. ru, MasterCard, Multibanco, Neosurf, Poli, Skrill (Moneybookers), Instan, Boleto, CashU, Fiserv, iDeal, Bank Instan, Kepercayaan Bayar Keterangan. ZoomTrader adalah broker pilihan biner yang komprehensif yang benar-benar telah memanfaatkan platform Tradologic terbaik. Tinjauan ZoomTrader Lengkap Tinjauan ZoomTrader kami baru saja diperbarui, karena broker ini telah memperbarui situs dan layanan baru-baru ini. Sebelumnya, kami memiliki beberapa keluhan tentang berbagai bagian situs web yang tidak bekerja dengan baik 8211 atau tidak sama sekali. ZoomTrader menanggapi kritik ini dengan sangat serius, tampaknya, dan telah memperbarui banyak hal. Situs baru ini menunjukkan desain yang jauh lebih canggih dan semuanya berjalan baik sekarang. Namun, kami harus mengakui bahwa, dibandingkan dengan beberapa broker terpercaya lainnya di situs kami, ZoomTrader masih menawarkan produk dan platform yang kurang lebih tengah jalan. Tetap saja, ini bukan alasan untuk segera menghapus broker pilihan biner ini. Karena meski rata-rata kesan pertama, beberapa keunggulan menarik mengintai di bawah permukaan ZoomTrader. Yang segera menarik perhatian Anda saat melayang di atas homepage ZoomTrader adalah cara broker opsi biner ini menawarkan informasi. Semuanya disortir dengan baik di bawah tab. Bahkan ada contoh materi pendidikan di homepage, sesuatu yang tidak kita lihat di setiap broker. Dan homepage ZoomTrader bahkan memiliki sedikit simulator perdagangan (yang, omong-omong, membawa Anda ke layar pendaftaran saat Anda mencoba berdagang). Ini mungkin bukan salah satu yang tercantik, tapi pasti salah satu homepage paling informatif yang pernah kita lihat di zaman kita. Poin tambahan untuk ZoomTrader. Akun dan Bonus ZoomTrader ZoomTrader baru saja memperbarui situs webnya, dan memutuskan sudah waktunya untuk membuat rencana akun baru. Deposit minimum telah meningkat sedikit menjadi 250 dolar (200 dolar), dan Akun Mini tidak lagi tersedia. Namun, akun baru terlihat menjanjikan. Dan itu tanpa ada bonus yang disebutkan. Di bawah ini Anda dapat menemukan info lebih lanjut tentang jenis akun di ZoomTrader. Perunggu Akun (1.000 8211 4,999) Perunggu ZoomTrader Account telah mengambil peran baru menjadi account terkecil, meskipun ambang 1.000 dolar adalah deposit terendah yang dapat Anda buat. Tidak ada pembicaraan bonus, tapi kami telah mendengar bahwa manajer akun Anda mungkin memberi Anda satu jika Anda memintanya. ZoomTrader menjanjikan beberapa hal lainnya, seperti 1 strategi trading, ulasan pasar mingguan, dan kursus video pengantar. Akun Perak (5.000 8211 9.999) Ditandai sebagai akun favorit ZoomTrader8217s, Akun Perak dikatakan sebagai ledakan terbaik untuk uang Anda. Masih belum ada yang resmi menyebutkan bonusnya. Namun, banyak fasilitas menanti trader baru yang membuka Akun Perak. Misalnya, Anda mendapatkan 2 strategi perdagangan, ulasan pasar harian (di atas yang mingguan), dan kursus video lanjutan setelah Anda mengikuti kursus video perkenalan. Akun Emas (10.000 8211 50,000) Jika menurut Anda layanan pribadi terbaik adalah kunci bagi pengalaman trader yang baik, ZoomTrader menawarkan akun yang sedikit lebih canggih. Yang satu ini disebut Gold Account. Dengan setoran awal 10.000 dolar atau lebih, Anda menerima semua yang dimiliki pemegang Akun Perak, dan kemudian beberapa: 5 strategi perdagangan, penarikan hari yang sama, dan sesi perdagangan satu per satu mingguan untuk memprofesionalkan trading biner Anda secara lebih lanjut. Untuk melengkapinya, ZoomTrader memberi Anda akses ke pengelola akun khusus Anda sendiri. Masih belum cukup Anda bisa naik 1 level lebih Platinum VIP Account Jika menurut Anda semua akun yang disebutkan di atas tidak mencukupi, ada satu opsi lagi: Akun VIP Platinum ZoomTrader. Apa yang akan Anda dapatkan jika Anda membuka rekening ini dan menyetor 50.000 dolar Fasilitas eksklusif tampaknya hanya untuk matamu saja, karena ZoomTrader sangat tertutup tentang hal itu. Hubungi kami, katanya. Kita hanya bisa menebak artinya. Yang kita tahu, adalah bahwa hal itu harus membuat Akun Emas terlihat seperti akun perdagangan mans sederhana. Jadi perkirakan ZoomTrader menarik semua pemberhentian. Perdagangan ZoomTrader: Jenis Pilihan Paket pilihan ZoomTrader bukanlah paket biner pilihan yang paling mengejutkan dan inovatif yang akan Anda temukan di pasaran. Namun, ini adalah salah satu paket terlengkap, yang mencakup hampir semua jenis opsi biner populer dan semi populer. Jadi jika Anda adalah trader yang agak konservatif, yang suka hanya memperdagangkan produk yang telah terbukti sukses dan disesuaikan secara luas, ZoomTrader mungkin adalah broker pilihan biner Anda. Karena semuanya ada di sana: Digital, Turbo, Touch Up Down, One Touch, dan Range binary options. Semua tersedia di platform Tradologic Multi yang terkenal, dan beberapa bahkan di platform Classic dan Chart, yang akan kita bahas setelah melihat semua jenis opsi biner yang dapat Anda temukan di ZoomTrader. Jika Anda tidak tahu opsi biner digital, Anda pasti sangat baru mengenal dunia biner. Ini adalah pilihan di mana semuanya dimulai. Pilih Call (Up) atau Put (Down) dan mulailah melihat pergerakan harga. Sekali lagi, tidak ada yang istimewa di sini. Hanya produk yang familiar, membawa Anda ke 3 platform ZoomTrader yang fenomenal. Hanya tersedia di Platform Multi ZoomTrader adalah opsi Turbo, yang dikenal dengan seberapa cepatnya masa kadaluarsa. Turbo Options dapat berakhir dalam 60, 120, atau 300 detik dan diketahui memberikan pengembalian cepat dengan risiko tinggi yang sesuai. Bukan untuk semua orang, tapi setiap orang yang memperdagangkannya, menyukai mereka. Ada pilihan biner broker lain yang menawarkan opsi biner yang lebih cepat kedaluwarsa daripada ZoomTrader: pilihan kedua opsi abcOptions dan 24Option 30 detik, dan abcOptions bahkan menawarkan opsi biner 15 detik. Touch Up Down ZoomTrader adalah salah satu dari sedikit pilihan broker biner untuk membuat perbedaan antara opsi biner Touch Up Down dan opsi binary One Touch No Touch. Dengan pilihan biner Touch di ZoomTrader, trader menentukan apakah harga akan menyentuh batas tertentu. Ini berarti harga bisa naik di atas (Touch Up) batas tertentu, atau turun di bawah (Touch Down) batas tertentu. Ini harus terjadi sebelum perdagangan berakhir. Jika itu terjadi sebelum perdagangan berakhir, pilihan Anda ada dalam uang dan Anda mengembalikannya. Setelah itu, perdagangan berakhir. Touch Up Down tersedia di kedua platform ZoomTraders Multi and Classic. ZoomTrader memiliki pendekatan yang berbeda dalam hal pilihan biner One Touch. Dalam kasus ini, Anda dapat memilih apakah harga aset dasar Anda akan tetap berada di dalam, atau setidaknya sentuh, kisaran tertentu. Jika memang demikian, perdagangan Anda termasuk dalam uang dan Anda menghasilkan keuntungan yang telah ditentukan. Dengan No Touch, ini bekerja sebaliknya. Agar pilihan biner Anda berakhir dengan uang, Anda akan memerlukannya agar tidak berada dalam kisaran tersebut. One Touch and No Touch keduanya tersedia pada platform ZoomTrader Multi and Classic. Beberapa pasar sangat stabil, dan harga menunjukkan garis horizontal yang hampir sempurna dengan sedikit atau tidak ada fluktuasi. Di pasar ini, banyak pedagang di ZoomTrader berinvestasi pada pilihan range binary. Pilihan biner Range ini memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari pasar yang stagnan dan bahkan hampir beku. Jika harga tetap dalam kisaran tertentu sampai perdagangan berakhir, perdagangan Anda termasuk dalam uang dan Anda dapat mengumpulkan pengembalian yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya dari ZoomTrader. Pilihan biner jarak jauh tersedia di kedua platform ZoomTrader Multi and Classic. ZoomTrader Trading: Platform Seperti yang disebutkan di atas dalam review ZoomTrader kami, broker opsi biner ini menawarkan 3 platform yang berbeda kepada para pedagang. Bergantung pada jenis opsi biner yang Anda trading Anda bisa memilih 1 atau lebih dari platform ini. Seperti yang sudah ada dalam tinjauan ZoomTrader, opsi digital misalnya dapat diperdagangkan di semua 3 platform. Pilihan biner turbo, di sisi lain, hanya dapat diperdagangkan menggunakan platform Multi ZoomTrader. Platform ZoomTrader Classic adalah basis dari perdagangan opsi biner Anda. Ini menunjukkan sejumlah alat untuk membantu Anda menempatkan perdagangan dan grafik untuk membantu Anda menentukan apakah harga akan meningkat atau menurun. Menempatkan perdagangan sangat mudah. Pertama, Anda memilih aset yang mendasarinya. Secara default, ZoomTrader memastikan semua aset dasar ditampilkan di menu tarik-turun. Agar lebih mudah memilih aset dasar Anda, Anda dapat memfilter aset dasar menurut jenis di bilah menu bagian atas. Bertentangan dengan kebanyakan broker opsi biner, ZoomTrader memungkinkan Anda memilih kombinasi dari aset dasar dan waktu kadaluwarsa, keduanya dalam 1 klik. Setelah itu, Anda menekan Call atau Put. Kotak dialog kemudian muncul, di mana Anda bisa mengisi harga beli Anda. Setelah itu, platform ZoomTrader memulai perdagangan. Platform Multi ZoomTrader tidak berbeda dengan kembar Klasiknya. Perbedaan utamanya adalah, bahwa Anda memiliki 4 grafik dalam 1 layar, dan Anda memilih aset dasar dan waktu kadaluwarsa secara terpisah. Reastnya seperti yang Anda lihat di platform ZoomTrader Classic. Platform Chart ZoomTrader pada pandangan pertama terlihat hampir sama dengan platform ZoomTrader Classic, namun jangan biarkan tampilannya menipu Anda. Ini sebenarnya adalah versi yang lebih dasar dari platform Multi ZoomTrader, hanya dengan 1, bukan 4 grafik. Jadi cara untuk menempatkan perdagangan identik dengan menempatkan perdagangan dengan platform Multi ZoomTrader. ZoomTrader Education Center ZoomTrader telah berusaha untuk memperbarui semuanya, termasuk pusat pendidikan. Hasilnya menakjubkan 8211 terutama dibandingkan dengan pusat pendidikan lama non-kerja. Ada berbagai macam materi pendidikan yang dapat dipilih, bervariasi dari e-book hingga video, kursus interaktif, dan bahkan bagian yang diperuntukkan bagi pedagang tingkat lanjut. Satu-satunya masalah adalah: ini sangat mengundang dan penuh dengan materi menarik, sehingga Anda mungkin lupa untuk memperdagangkan Dukungan Trader ZoomTrader secara keseluruhan Untungnya, para pedagang ZoomTraders dapat mengandalkan dukungan dari agen agen layanan pelanggan yang sangat ramah dan membantu. Situs web mencantumkan banyak nomor telepon yang dapat dipanggil dari tidak kurang dari 14 negara yang berbeda (jika Anda harus tahu: Inggris, Amerika Serikat, Jerman, Prancis, Spanyol, Polandia, Turki, Rusia, Italia, Kanada, Belanda, Australia, Brasil , Dan China), formulir kontak ramah pengguna, alamat pos, alamat email, tapi yang terpenting: obrolan langsung. Jadi, apapun masalah Anda dan sarana komunikasi apa pun yang ada di tangan Anda, selalu ada cara untuk mencapai ZoomTrader. Untuk Menambah Review ZoomTrader Apa yang bisa kita katakan ZoomTrader melakukan banyak hal dengan sangat baik. Platform perdagangan Tradologic ada di sana dengan platform Banc de Binary BinaryMETA, dan pasti bisa bersaing dengan broker lainnya. Pilihan yang Anda miliki mengenai jenis opsi biner Anda dapat menggunakan arent persis pikiran bertiup, namun semua jenis populer ditampilkan. Jadi jika Anda penggemar dasar-dasar perdagangan opsi biner, ZoomTrader pasti bisa menjadi broker sejenis Anda. Terutama jika Anda menyukai bonus bagus, siapa saja yang membuka akun uang riil (mulai dari 250 dolar) dari ZoomTrader. Sebelum update, kami menyatakan bahwa ZoomTrader benar-benar diperlukan untuk bertindak bersama. Mereka memiliki beberapa masalah dengan situs web, yang tidak selalu berfungsi dengan baik. Dengan update, masalah ini adalah sesuatu dari masa lalu. Ini saatnya broker ini mengambilnya sedikit dan menjadi salah satu anak laki-laki besar sekarang Memulai Trading Dengan ZoomTrader Sekarang Adalah ZoomTrader broker opsi biner yang ideal untuk Anda Cari tahu sekarang dan daftar Klik di sini untuk menuju ke ZoomTrader. Catatan: perdagangan opsi biner dianggap sebagai perdagangan berisiko tinggi dan selalu berisiko. Pastikan Anda tahu apa yang Anda lakukan sebelum memulai opsi biner trading. Binary Options Reporter tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan atau konsekuensi lain yang disebabkan oleh perdagangan opsi biner.7 Opsi Biner 7 Pilihan Biner ZoomTrader Review Sejak 2012 trader telah dapat menikmati opsi biner yang dapat dipercaya, broker ZoomTrader. Ini adalah broker yang percaya bahwa setiap orang harus memiliki kesempatan untuk melakukan perdagangan dengan cara yang sederhana namun berhasil. Mereka menawarkan beragam fitur yang semuanya dirancang untuk membuat perdagangan menjadi lebih sederhana dan mudah. Kami memutuskan sudah saatnya melihat lebih dekat broker web yang populer ini. Informasi dasar: Online sejak: 2012 Yurisdiksi: Cyprus Software: Tradologic Max Pengembalian: 83 Bonus: 100 Minimum Deposit: 250 Investasi Minimum: 10 Investasi Maksimum: 2500 Mata Uang: USD, EUR, GBP Mobile: Ya Negara: Semua negara tidak termasuk: USA 8211 Ini adalah situs dengan platform yang sangat user-friendly 8211 Diatur oleh CySEC 8211 yang terpercaya Simpan perdagangan sederhana 8211 Return on Investments setinggi 83 8211 Aplikasi perdagangan seluler 8211 Bonus murah yang ditawarkan 8211 Layanan pelanggan yang sangat baik 8211 Tidak ada akun demo 7 Pilihan Biner Rating: Fitur Khusus ZoomTrader Mengapa broker ini dianggap dapat dipercaya Jawabannya adalah karena mengikuti peraturan ketat peraturan CySEC, yang merupakan salah satu penyegaran persetujuan paling percaya dalam industri perdagangan opsi biner. Untuk menggunakan nama mereka, broker web harus mematuhi peraturan ketat tentang mempertahankan dana akun pelanggan di akun yang aman dan memiliki persentase tertentu dari keseluruhan dana yang diasuransikan. Perdagangan di situs yang diatur oleh CySEC harus memberi pilihan pedagang biner banyak ketenangan pikiran bahwa semua transaksi dan perdagangan yang mereka lakukan dengan broker yang diatur itu akan adil dan aman. Ada banyak peluang bonus yang diberikan ZoomTrader kepada mereka yang mendaftar untuk berdagang dengan mereka. Semuanya dimulai dengan bonus pendaftaran yang murah hati yang unik untuk setiap tingkat akun. Lihatlah berbagai tingkat akun dengan ZoomTrader. Perunggu ZoomTrader Account Level akun ini dicapai dengan melakukan deposit awal sebesar 500 8211. Ini memberikan hak kepada pemegang akun tingkat ini ke bonus 50, 1 strategi trading dan kursus perdagangan opsi biner pengantar. Akun Slate ZoomTrader Tingkat akun ini dicapai dengan melakukan deposit awal tahun 2000 8211 4999. Ini memberi hak kepada pemegang akun tingkat ini ke bonus 75, webinar perdagangan gratis, 2 strategi trading, review pasar dan kursus video trading opsi pengantar biner. Tingkat akun ini dicapai dengan melakukan deposit awal sebesar 5.000 8211 19.999. Ini memberikan hak kepada pemegang akun tingkat atas ini kepada 100 bonus, webinar perdagangan gratis, 3 strategi trading, 2 perdagangan bebas risiko, penarikan hari yang sama, ulasan pasar, peningkatan pengembalian investasi dan kursus tutorial perdagangan opsi biner pengantar. Tingkat akun ini dicapai dengan melakukan deposit awal 20.000 8211 50.000. Ini memberikan hak kepada pemegang akun tingkat tinggi ini kepada 100 bonus, webinar trading gratis, 5 strategi trading, 2 perdagangan bebas risiko, penarikan hari yang sama, ulasan pasar, penugasan ke manajer akun khusus, peningkatan laba atas investasi, satu lawan satu sesi perdagangan dan lanjutan. Pilihan biner kursus video perdagangan. Selain itu, setiap pemegang akun tingkat menerima eBook opsi biner gratis dan ulasan pasar ZoomTrader mingguan. Kami pikir persyaratan trading bonus ada di sisi yang tinggi dan berpikir sesuatu yang lebih adil bisa dilakukan di sini. Platform Perdagangan ZoomTrader Platform pialang web ini telah dirancang dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak yang disediakan oleh Tradologic. Ini adalah platform yang inovatif dan mencakup banyak fitur platform yang tidak terlihat di situs web yang tidak dirancang menggunakan perangkat lunak perusahaan ini. Sebagai permulaan, seorang investor dapat memilih di antara tiga mode tampilan berbeda saat menempatkan perdagangan. Mereka dapat memilih antara menggunakan beberapa tampilan, tampilan tunggal atau bahkan tampilan klasik sederhana. Sejauh aset perdagangan pengguna bisa memilih antara komoditas, indeks, saham dan mata uang. Ini dapat diperdagangkan dengan opsi pilihan seperti pilihan HighLow, pilihan One Touch dan Boundary. Waktu kadaluwarsa mencakup pilihan populer seperti pilihan cepat 60 detik, 2minute dan 5minute pilihan lebih dasar 15 menit, 30 menit, 1 jam dan opsi pilihan jangka panjang seperti End of the Day, End of the Week dan untuk pedagang yang lebih mendasar yang mereka miliki. Pilihan Akhir Bulan juga. Ada juga yang praktis dalam fitur perdagangan seperti Close now dan Extend sekarang tersedia selama perdagangan. Semua ini dibulatkan oleh fakta bahwa ZoomTrader juga menawarkan kepada mereka yang bertransaksi dengan mereka sebuah aplikasi mobile trading yang mudah digunakan. Aplikasi ini kompatibel dengan kebanyakan ponsel cerdas dan perangkat cerdas lainnya. Ini adalah cara yang bagus bagi para investor yang terus-menerus dalam perjalanan untuk mengikuti pasar dan menempatkan perdagangan di mana saja mereka dapat membuat koneksi internet untuk menjalankan aplikasi. Dukungan Pelanggan ZoomTrader Ada beragam pilihan dukungan pelanggan yang ditawarkan oleh broker web ini termasuk live chat, kontak telepon dan dukungan email. Ada juga bagian faks yang sangat rinci yang bisa dilihat oleh setiap pelanggan. Dukungan ditawarkan dalam bahasa seperti Selama tinjauan ZoomTrader kami, kami menemukan bahwa ZoomTrader memberikan dukungan pelanggan yang hebat kepada kliennya melalui live chat, saluran telepon dan e-mail. Ada juga bagian FAQ, jadi sangat mudah mendapatkan jawaban atas pertanyaan anda. Dukungan ditawarkan pada beberapa bahasa seperti bahasa Inggris, Spanyol, Jerman, Italia, Prancis, Swedia, Belanda, Jepang, Rusia, Arab, Turki, Portugis, Korea dan Cina. Screenshot ZoomTrader Banking Seperti telah disebutkan di bagian highlights dari situs ini, ini adalah situs yang sangat aman dan dapat dipercaya untuk diperdagangkan. Ini mengamankan transaksi yang dilakukan di atasnya dengan enkripsi 128 bit SSL yang canggih. Situs ini juga secara ketat mengikuti undang-undang anti pencucian uang dan memungkinkan mereka yang mendaftar bersama mereka untuk menggunakan berbagai metode untuk melakukan setoran awal mereka. Penarikan dana tidak diproses sampai identitas Anda dikonfirmasi dan verifikasi akun adalah sesuatu yang sangat diminati oleh ZoomTrader. Jumlah penarikan minimum adalah 200 seperti pada Robot Opsi Biner yang kami rasa sedikit terlalu tinggi dibandingkan dengan apa yang dilakukan broker web lainnya. Jika Anda meminta penarikan ZoomTrader Anda harus memberikan verifikasi rekening sebelum dana dilepaskan. Sudahkah anda mencoba trading otomatis. Banyak trader biner yang berhasil menggunakan software trading otomatis terbaik di pasar yang mendapat tingkat kemenangan rata-rata mengejutkan 91 dalam tes 8211 Option Robot. Perangkat lunak pemenang penghargaan memungkinkan Anda bertransaksi lebih menguntungkan dengan sedikit kerja. Hal terbaik tentang itu adalah bahwa sekarang benar-benar gratis bagi pembaca kami, tapi mungkin tidak untuk waktu yang lama, jadi saya sarankan Anda untuk mencobanya hari ini. Mulai trading sekarang dengan membuka akun GRATIS ke Option Robot dengan mengklik link di bawah ini: Pikiran Akhir Kita Ini bukan situs perdagangan opsi biner terbesar yang pernah kita ulas tapi juga jauh dari yang terburuk. Seperti yang telah kami nyatakan sebelumnya mereka suka menjaga hal-hal sederhana dan itulah yang Anda dapatkan di sini merupakan platform perdagangan yang sederhana dan beberapa alat perdagangan bagus yang dilemparkan ke dalamnya harus pergi jauh untuk membantu Anda menjadi pedagang biner yang sukses dengan mereka. Kami tidak melihat alasan konkret mengapa Anda atau pembaca lain kami tidak boleh mencobanya. Informasi Tambahan Customer Service: Live Chat Email: SupportZoomTrader Bahasa: Inggris, Spanyol, Prancis, Jerman, Italia, Swedia, Rusia, Belanda, Jepang, Arab, Korea, Turki, Portugis, Cina Pilihan Perdagangan: Rendah Tinggi, Satu Sentuhan, Pembangun Opsi , Meta Charts, Ladder Options Awal tutup: Tidak ada kadaluwarsa: High Low, One Touch, Boundary, Pilihan Sentuh Deposito dan Penarikan: Visa, Mastercard. Amex, Bank Wire, Skrill Moneybookers, Diners Club, JCB, WebMoney Withdrawal Time: 1 8211 2 day Demo account: Tidak ada ZoomTrader Artikel: Referensi dan Bacaan Lebih Lanjut: Reuters 8211 Financial News (Reuters) - Citigroup Inc memotong Chief Executive Michael Corbat039s kompensasi oleh 6 persen menjadi 15,5 juta pada tahun 2016, satu tahun di mana bank tersebut gagal mencapai profitabilitas dan tujuan efisiensi dan melihat sepertiga pemegang saham tidak menyetujui kompensasi eksekutif perusahaan sebelumnya. NEW YORK (Reuters) - Grup SoftBank Jepang Corp siap untuk menyerahkan kontrol Sprint Corp kepada Deutsche Telekom AG039 T-Mobile US Inc untuk meraih penggabungan dua operator nirkabel A. S., menurut orang-orang yang mengetahui masalah ini. Brad Gray, chairman dan chief executive officer studio film Paramount Pictures Viacom Inc0 diharapkan akan pergi dengan pengumuman yang akan datang pada awal minggu depan, menurut dua sumber yang mengetahui situasinya. NEW YORK (Reuters) - Bank of America Corp mengangkat Chief Executive Officer dan Chairman Brian Moynihan039s kompensasi sebesar 25 persen pada 2016 setelah bank terbesar kedua di AS memperoleh keuntungan sebesar 13 persen. Dow Jones Industrial Average hampir mencapai rekor tertinggi ketujuh pada hari Jumat dan SampP 500 dan Nasdaq juga ditutup pada sebuah rekor karena kenaikan di Kraft Heinz membantu mengimbangi penjualan saham energi. LONDON (Reuters) - Perusahaan makanan A. S. Kraft Heinz Co membuat kejutan 143 miliar tawaran untuk Unilever dalam upaya membangun raksasa barang-barang konsumen global, meskipun ditolak dengan tegas pada hari Jumat oleh pembuat teh Lipton dan sabun Dove. Presiden Donald Trump berjanji untuk meningkatkan produksi AS dan menghukum perusahaan untuk memindahkan pekerjaan ke luar negeri selama kunjungan pada hari Jumat ke pabrik Boeing Co Carolina Selatan untuk merayakan peluncuran jet Dreamliner terbarunya. DETROIT (Reuters) - General Motors Co berencana untuk menggelar ribuan mobil listrik self-driving di armada uji dalam kemitraan dengan afiliasi ride-sharing Lyft Inc, dimulai pada 2018, dua sumber yang mengetahui rencana pembuat mobil mengatakan minggu ini. (Reuters) - Penawaran umum perdana Snap Inc, pemilik aplikasi pesan populer Snapchat, diperkirakan akan membukukan harga 1 Maret setelah pasar ditutup, Fidelity Investments mengatakan kepada klien broker pada hari Jumat. SEOUL (Reuters) - Chief Samsung Group Jay Y. Lee ditangkap pada hari Jumat karena dugaan perannya dalam skandal korupsi yang mengguncang tingkat tertinggi kekuasaan di Korea Selatan, yang merupakan pukulan baru bagi raksasa teknologi dan pembawa standar untuk negara bagian keempat Asia - Ekonomi terbesar. Ketentuan dan Ketentuan Klien Perjanjian dan Persyaratan Umum 038 Kondisi PENTING ANDA HARUS MEMBACA DAN MENGATASI PERJANJIAN, SYARAT DAN KETENTUAN KLIEN INI DALAM ENTIRITASNYA SEBELUM PENYELESAIAN PENDAFTARAN (DISINI REFERRED TO AS: AGREEMENT ANDOR T038C). DENGAN MENERIMA PERJANJIAN KLIEN INI DAN TITIK INI T038C DAN THEREFORE REGISTERING ANDOR MENGGUNAKAN LAYANAN COMPANYS, ANDA MENGHARAPKAN DAN MENGAKUI BAHWA ANDA MEMILIKI DAN MEMAHAMI PERJANJIAN KLIEN INI DAN PERJANJIAN LISENSI PENGGUNAAN DAN PENGGUNAAN INI TURUN, BAHWA ANDA MEMAHAMI KONTENYA, DAN BAHWA ANDA SETUJU UNTUK TERIKAT OLEH SEMUA T038C nya. JIKA ANDA TIDAK MENYETUJUI SETIAP ATAU SEMUA DARI T038C SET FORTH DALAM PERJANJIAN INI, JANGAN MENGGUNAKAN ATAU MENGGUNAKAN SITUS INI. Perjanjian ini ditandatangani oleh Novox Capital Ltd. sebuah Perusahaan Investasi Siprus yang terdaftar berdasarkan hukum Republik Siprus, dengan nomor pendaftaran HE292182, memiliki kantor terdaftar di 60 Regaena Str. Lantai 3, Nicosia 1010, Siprus (selanjutnya disebut: Perusahaan) dan Anda sendiri (selanjutnya disebut: Anda atau Pelanggan), (Dalam Perjanjian ini, Perusahaan dan Anda dapat disebut secara kolektif sebagai: Pihak). Perusahaan berwenang dan diatur di Siprus oleh Komisi Sekuritas dan Bursa Efek Siprus (selanjutnya disebut CySEC) dan tunduk pada peraturan CySEC (dengan nomor lisensi 22414), dengan Kantor Investasi Cypriot (selanjutnya disebut: CIF). Perusahaan berwenang untuk menyediakan layanan investasi sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Perjanjian Klien ini dan T038C. Hubungan antara Klien dan Perusahaan diatur oleh Perjanjian ini dan T038C. Karena Perjanjian ini adalah kontrak jarak jauh, peraturan ini juga diatur oleh Pemasaran Jarak Jauh dari Undang-Undang Jasa Keuangan Konsumen N24 (I) 2004, yang menerapkan Petunjuk EU 200265EC, dimana penandatanganan Perjanjian ini tidak diperlukan dan Perjanjian tersebut memiliki hak dan kewajiban yang sama. Sebagai kontrak yang ditandatangani. Jika Klien ingin menandatangani salinan perjanjian ini, Klien harus mencetak dan mengirim 2 (dua) salinan yang ditandatangani ke Perusahaan, di mana Perusahaan akan menandatangani dan menandatangani Perjanjian dan mengembalikan satu salinan kembali ke Klien . Perusahaan menawarkan sistem online yang memfasilitasi pelaksanaan transaksi Kontrak Keuangan (sebagaimana didefinisikan di bawah ini) dengan berbagai solusi dan platform perdagangan, serta layanan penetapan harga dan manajemen risiko. Perjanjian ini dan T038C berlaku untuk URL Perusahaan dan tidak terbatas pada Sistem Perdagangan dan juga konten elektronik dan perangkat lunak yang ada saat ini di situs Web yang memasok informasi real time mengenai harga turunan Kontrak Keuangan Yang ditawarkan dan juga dengan Sistem Perdagangan untuk pelaksanaan Kontrak Keuangan (selanjutnya disebut: Layanan), dan fitur, konten atau layanan lainnya yang dapat ditambahkan Perusahaan di masa mendatang. Perusahaan melalui platform perdagangan online menyediakan Layanan secara langsung kepada pelanggannya dan terkadang oleh penggunaan mitra yang berwenang. Jika Perusahaan memiliki mitra lokal, Perusahaan dapat mendelegasikan wewenang tersebut kepada perwakilan tersebut dan atau pihak berwenang yang dianggapnya sesuai dan perlu dari waktu ke waktu, sehubungan dengan operasi lokal sistem perdagangan di negara tempat tinggal Anda. Secara khusus, perusahaan melakukan outsourcing departemen berikut: penjualan, pemasaran, retensi, penipuan, keuangan, dan dukungan klien. Jika klien memilih untuk menggunakan Robot atau Expert Advisor, klien melakukannya atas risiko mereka sendiri, dan Novox Capital Ltd sama sekali tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang terjadi karena hal tersebut. Novox tidak mengembangkan, menyediakan atau mengelola Robot EAs dengan cara apa pun. 60 Jalan Regaena, Lantai 3, 1010 Nicosia, Siprus novoxcapital infonovoxcapital Tel. 357 22 272 520 a) Opsi Biner atau Digital adalah opsi yang menawarkan pengembalian tetap potensial yang telah ditentukan pada saat pembukaan Kontrak b) Hari Kerja berarti setiap hari kalender dimulai pada pukul 00:00 dan berakhir pada pukul 23:59 GMT2 c) Jaminan adalah jumlah awal yang disetorkan oleh klien kepada Perusahaan setelah dikurangi kerugian, pengurangan dana yang ditarik oleh klien, ditambah keuntungan yang berasal dari Transaksi d) Harga Kontrak adalah harga yang ditawarkan oleh Sistem yang didasarkan pada indikasi Harga yang disediakan oleh berbagai sistem informasi keuangan sebagai tingkat suku bunga kontrak yang berlaku saat ini di pasar keuangan e) CySEC adalah Komisi Sekuritas dan Efek Siprus badan yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengatur pasar keuangan di Siprus f) Derivatif adalah kontrak yang nilainya Berasal dari instrumen keuangan yang mendasarinya. G) Emir berarti Peraturan Infrastruktur Pasar Eropa (European Market Infrastructure Regulation / EMIR) adalah peraturan Uni Eropa yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan stabilitas pasar derivatif over-the-counter (OTC) di seluruh negara-negara Uni Eropa. H) Kontrak atau Kontrak Finansial adalah kontrak untuk membuka posisi Binary Options atau Digital Options atau layanan keuangan lainnya yang dapat ditawarkan Perusahaan kepada pelanggannya melalui Sistem i) Pembuatan pasar Pembuat pasar atau penyedia likuiditas adalah perusahaan, atau Seorang individu, yang mengutip harga beli dan harga jual dalam instrumen keuangan atau komoditas yang disimpan dalam persediaan. J) Pasar adalah pasar keuangan internasional, komoditas, dan pasar lainnya yang berlaku, di mana harga kontrak ditetapkan pada perdagangan bebas, dan pasar lain dimana berbagai aset keuangan diperdagangkan.) MiFid berarti The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive a European Union law that provides harmonized regulation for investment services across the 31 member states of the European Economic Area l) Multilateral Trading Facility is a multilateral system operated by an Investment Firm or market operator, which brings together or facilitates the bringing together of multiple third-party buying and selling interests in financial instruments (in the system and in accordance with its nondiscretionary rules) in a way that results in a contract m) Regulated Market shall mean the multilateral system managed or operated by a market operator and which brings together or facilitates the bringing together of multiple third-party buying andor selling interests in financial instruments (in the system and in accordance with its non-discretionary rules) in a way that results in a contract, in respect of the financial instruments admitted to trading under its rules andor systems, in which are authorized and functions regularly in accordance with the provisions of Law 144(I)2007 or respective legislation of other member states that are enacted in compliance with Directive 200439EC. n) System shall mean an electronic system designed to allow trading in Financial Contracts a platform, over the internet, subject to all terms of this Agreement and the terms as defined in the Trading Manual, which is an integral part of the Agreement o) Trading bonuses are our way of thanking new customers for choosing to trade with us. A first-deposit bonus gives traders more buying power, thus giving them the ability to open larger or more frequent trades. Other types of bonuses may also be offered from time to time p) Transaction shall mean purchase or sale of a Financial Contract for a fixed price q) US client customer are client who are U. S. citizen (either dual or not) andor a holder of U. S. passport andor entitled to lawful permanent resident status in the U. S.A. (green card) andor was born in the U. S.A. Legal Entity incorporated in the U. S.A. andor have a U. S. residence address or a U. S. correspondence address (including a U. S. PO Box) andor a U. S. resident, alien for tax purposes. 60 Regaena Street, 3rd Floor, 1010 Nicosia, Cyprus novoxcapital infonovoxcapital Tel. 357 22 272 520 4. Membership Eligibility The Companys Services are available and may be used only by traders who can form legally binding contracts under the applicable laws in their own country of residence. The investment Services are only available to persons over the age of 18 or otherwise above the legal age and who can legally execute binding contracts under the laws of their country of residence. Without limiting the above, our Services are not available where their use is illegal, and the Company reserves the right to refuse andor cancel Services to anyone at any time, at its own discretion. In addition, the company does not, and will not accept U. S. clients. Furthermore, the Company declares that it is not, and shall not, be responsible in any way to the inaccuracy of information published on its Web site by others, and as such every published or referenced item of information should be regarded as unfounded information in regard to the management of their activities and risks. We strongly advise that all information is checked and confirmed by each individual trader, through independent information sources of their choice, prior to the execution of any transactions by themselves. 5. Provision of Services 1. The Company is authorized by CySEC to provide the following investment services in accordance with its CIF authorization: a) Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more Financial Instruments. b) Execution of orders on behalf of clients. c) Dealing on own account. 2. The Company is also authorized to provide the following ancillary services: a) Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cashcollateral management. b) Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the company is involved in the transaction. c) Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services. The services of paragraph 6.1 involve transactions in Financial Instruments not admitted to trading in Regulated Markets or a Multilateral Trading Facility. By accepting this agreement the Clients acknowledge, and give their express consent for executing such transactions. 3. The services of paragraph 6.1 involve transactions in Financial Instruments not admitted to trading in Regulated Markets or a Multilateral Trading Facility. By accepting this agreement the Clients acknowledge, and give their express consent for executing such transactions. 6. Client Categorization a) All clients are categorized as Retail Clients. This categorization provides the highest level of protection, as opposed to Professional Clients or Eligible Counterparties. b) The client is bound by the method and process of categorization as this is defined and thoroughly explained in the CLIENT CATEGORISATION document which can be found on the Companys website under the title CLIENT CATEGORISATION in the LEGAL section. By accepting these T038C, the Client accepts the application of the categorization method as this is defined in the CLIENT CATEGORISATION policy. c) The Company will deal with the Client according to the rules of professional conduct based on which the Client will be treated as a Retail Client in accordance with the information provided to the Company during the Account opening procedure. The Client must immediately inform the Company in the case of any changes concerning the clients personal information. In the event that the Client wishes to be re-categorized the Client must inform the Company in writing, clearly stating such a wish. The final decision of the change in categorization, however, lies in the absolute discretion of the Company. 60 Regaena Street, 3rd Floor, 1010 Nicosia, Cyprus novoxcapital infonovoxcapital Tel. 357 22 272 520 a) The Company will take all reasonable steps to obtain the best possible trading rates for its Clients when providing pricing and quotes in relation to financial instruments. The Companys Best Execution Policy sets out a general overview on how orders are executed as well as many other factors which affect the execution of a financial instrument. b) By accepting these T038C, the Client acknowledges and accepts that he has read and understood the Best Execution Policy of the Company, which is available for examination on the Companys website under the heading LEGAL. a) By accepting all of the T038C of this Agreement you understand and accept the fast-paced nature of the companys business and products, and you confirm that you wish establish a business relationship with it. b) Upon execution of this Agreement, the Company shall create an account in your name and ownership in the System. The account and other relevant details shall be in accordance with the information provided by you, as is required by the Company and regulation. You must ensure that the information provided by yourself is complete, true and accurate. It is hereby clarified that the provision of misleading information may be regarded as a legal offence and shall entail immediate cessation of activities in your account andor its immediate closure. You acknowledge that upon the completion of your identification procedure by the Company, it may report you as a beneficiary in the applicable account held by the financial institution with which the Company deposits the Collateral funds, in amounts up to the credit balance recorded in your account at the System from time to time, and to that end may transfer identification details provided to it by yourself. c) It is hereby clarified that in due course full compliance procedures, as required by CySEC, will be performed by the company on each of its clients, which will include but are not be limited to KYC, AML, Appropriateness test, and Client Classification. Specifically, for a clients account to be approved to trade and withdraw funds the client must submit official proof of address and proof of identification in color format. A color copy of the credit card used for deposit is also a prerequisite before withdrawals can be approved. Please note that conditions for compliance might be subject to periodic changes based on the European AML directives amendments. d) By accepting all of the T038C of this Agreement you understand that all client accounts are subject to review at the latest every six (6) months, in order to replace any expired KYC documents, and possibly to request further clarification documents if necessary. Continued compliance must be adhered to by both the operator and its traders. Failure to submit new documents as and when requested can lead to the suspension of a clients account. e) By accepting all of the T038C of this Agreement you understand that you have a given time limit by which you must complete the KYC process, by submitting your proof of address and proof of identification. If you fail to do this, and your trading account is not approved, by the end of the time-limit given, you understand that your trading account will be suspended. While suspended you will not be able to deposit, trade, or withdraw any funds, until your account is approved and re-activated. If you fail to have your account approved within a certain time frame of suspension, your trading account will be permanently closed. f) By accepting all of the T038C of this Agreement, you hereby authorize and empower the Company, until written notice contrary to the effect shall be received from you by the Company, to carry out orders and activities in accordance with your instructions all in accordance with the powers granted to the Company under this Agreement andor for the provision of the Services. You also agree to receive news, information and promotional material from the company from time to time. g) To remove any doubts, the execution of any Transaction in the account is subject to the deposit of the Collateral by you. The Company shall not allow you to execute any Transaction without the said deposit andor in the event that the Collateral is insufficient for the execution of a said Transaction, subject to the Companys policy from time to time. For the avoidance of doubt, in the event that the Company allows you to commence trading before it receives confirmation of deposit of Collateral by you, and in effect no Collateral was deposited, the Company shall have the right to deduct from any profits gained by you the amount which should have been deposited as collateral prior to your commencement of trading. All funds shall be held by the Company on your behalf and the Company may deposit such funds with any financial institution it holds bank accounts with. In the event that a Transaction shall take place and for some reason there shall be no sufficient Collateral in your account, 60 Regaena Street, 3rd Floor, 1010 Nicosia, Cyprus novoxcapital infonovoxcapital Tel. 357 22 272 520 the Company shall have the right to decrease your exposure in the said Transaction andor approach you to rectify such required Collateral andor demand from you payment in full for any deficiency which has occurred by your Transaction which was not covered by sufficient Collateral. It is hereby expressly stated, that the above mentioned right of the Company, does not obligate it to decrease your exposure in any Transaction and you shall have no claims against the Company regarding your losses resulting from the decrease or non-decrease of your exposure in any particular Transaction by the Company. h) To remove any doubts, it is hereby clarified that the Company may, at its sole discretion, amend from time to time the terms governing the use of the System, the scope of its Services and the sum of the Collateral required for the execution of Transactions by you. Any amendments will be communicated to all clients via the Companys site. However, any such change to the rules made whilst the site is in operation will not apply retrospectively and will only apply to acquisitions of financial contracts made after such change. i) Upon the opening of the account, the Company shall issue you with a confidential personal identification password (hereinafter: the login password) to be used by you to operate your account via the Internet. You hereby irrevocably undertake to safeguard the login password and hereby waive any and all claims against the Company relating to any unauthorized use of the login password. j) Acquisition of Financial Contracts through the System must be executed in accordance with the latest version of the T038C published on this site. To remove any doubts, the Company may amend, change or cancel any part of the said T038C, and their effect shall be from the date such amended terms have been published on the site. Acquisition of a Financial Contract is completed when the Financial Contract has been customized, the premium has been calculated and payment has been verified. k) Deposits can only be made using creditdebit cards, or from bank accounts belonging to the trading account holder. No deposits are acceptable from third party bank accounts or by using the creditdebit card of a third party, unless documented authorization is provided by the cardholder. No cash deposits are acceptable. Anyone who executes a deposit into their trading account through an unauthorized third party source will immediately have their trading account closed, and a legal investigation will begin to ascertain whether the card used was stolen. l) The only exception to the above rule is that clients can make deposits using a relatives credit card, on condition that a signed letter of authorization has been previously submitted by the card holder, giving their permission for the card to be used, and also stating their exact relationship to the trader client. The card holder authorizing the use of their card will also have to submit their Proof of Identification. which will need to be approved by the compliance officer. A color copy of the credit card, front 038 back will also have to be submitted. 9. Company obligations The Company hereby warrants and undertakes that: a) It has the required skills and expertise to provide the Services. b) Neither today, nor in the future shall it provide any financial advice to you or any of its customers and no information which may be found on the Companys Web site may be considered as financial advice for any purpose whatsoever. To remove any doubts, information given on the site, the System andor emails or newsletters sent by the Company related to its Services or financial markets, is not intended to be used as financial or investment advice and the Company shall not accept any liability in this respect. It shall not be liable in any way whatsoever for any claims, suits, contentions, losses, expenses, damages etc. incurred by you as a result of your reliance on any information provided by the Company. c) The maximum loss that you may suffer by using the trading platform, is the amount of money paid by you to the Company as Collateral andor any sums in your Account which you have used to purchase Financial Contracts. d) The Company does not provide a market amongst or between customers for investments, securities, derivatives or speculations. Each Financial Contract purchased via the System, is an individual agreement between you and the Company and is not a security, nor is it transferable, negotiable or assignable to or with any third party.. 60 Regaena Street, 3rd Floor, 1010 Nicosia, Cyprus novoxcapital infonovoxcapital Tel. 357 22 272 520 From time to time the company may increase its client base through the efforts of affiliates andor Introducing Brokers. These efforts are rewarded by way of commissions andor trading bonuses, which are totally separate and independent from clients deposits and funds. For further details on this subject please contact the company directly. a) The Company reserves the right to suspend the operation of this site or sections thereof under the following circumstances: b) when, as a result of political, economic, military or monetary events (including unusual market volatility or illiquidity) or any circumstances outside the control, responsibility and power of the Company, the continued operation of this site or the System shall not be reasonably practicable without materially and adversely affecting and prejudicing your interests or the Company, or if, in the sole discretion of the Company, a price cannot be calculated for financial contracts or c) when there is a breakdown in the means of communication normally employed in determining the price or value of any of the financial contracts or where the price or value of any of the financial contracts cannot be promptly or accurately calculated or d) When the Company has reason to suspect that the System was abused by you or that you have used some means in order to affect or manipulate the System in general or the price of a specific Contract in particular. e) Under such circumstances, other than in the case of abuse or manipulation of the System, the Company may at its sole discretion (with or without notice) close out your open financial contracts at prices it considers fair and reasonable at such a time and no claims may be entertained against the Company in connection thereto. f) In case of abuse or manipulation of the System, the Company may at its sole discretion take any measures it deems fit and appropriate under the said circumstances. 12. Client conditions The company hereby warrants and undertakes that: a) All details provided by you to the Company are true, complete and accurate and that you are an adult over the age of 18 (or the required minimum age in your country of residence) so that you may be legally bound by the terms of this Agreement. b) You shall be the sole owner and beneficiary of the account. c) You are aware and you hereby acknowledge that the Company cannot control your actions and you are required to make necessary inquiries as to the legal status of your activities and applicable local laws and regulations, as currently in force in your country of residence and abide by such laws and regulations. You understand that laws regarding Financial Contracts vary throughout the world, and it is your sole obligation to ensure that you fully comply with any laws, regulations or directives, relevant to your country of residency with regards to the use of the Web site andor the System. For avoidance of doubt, an actual ability to access the Companys Web site does not necessarily mean that the Services and your activities are legal under the laws, regulations or directives, relevant to your country of residence. You hereby confirm, after conducting the necessary inquiries, that there is no legal constraint which precludes you from using the System or executing Transactions as described in this Agreement. To remove any doubts, the Services are not to be used where they are illegal to use, and the Company reserves the right to refuse to provide andor cancel Services, in whole or in part, to anyone at any time, at its own discretion without cause, including but not limited to events in which the Company learns that you are performing activities which are not regulated under the laws of your place of residence. d) All funds deposited by you in your account, are of legal origin, are not the proceeds of crime, including but not limited to, proceeds of drugs trafficking or dealings in other prohibited substances or proceeds of illegal arms trades, illegal gambling, prostitution, terror funds etc. To remove any doubts, monies received from you are not invested in any securities, futures, currencies, derivatives or other investments, on your behalf by the Company or anyone on its behalf. Such monies are used as collateral for your transactions in the System. 60 Regaena Street, 3rd Floor, 1010 Nicosia, Cyprus novoxcapital infonovoxcapital Tel. 357 22 272 520 e) You are aware of the risks involved in the execution of the transactions described in this Agreement and you have read and understood all the information included in the Risk Disclosure which is published on the Companys website. f) You acknowledge that you are solely responsible and personally liable for any and all actions and orders to be executed in your account, including the settlement of any Transaction, whether performed by you in person or by your agent or attorney or the Companys employees carrying out your orders. You further agree that neither the Company nor its employees or anyone on its behalf shall be liable in any way whatsoever to the outcomes or consequences of such actions andor orders. You are fully responsible for ensuring that you and you alone control access to your account, and that no minors are granted access to trading on the System. In any case, you remain fully liable for any and all positions traded on your account, and for any credit card transactions entered into the site for your account. You shall also indemnify the Company in respect to all costs and losses of any kind, whatsoever as may be incurred by the Company as a result, direct or indirect, of your failure to perform or settle such a transaction. g) You are aware that the Company does not provide any equipment nor is it an Internet Service Provider and therefore it shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, to any malfunction of any kind and nature whatsoever, on your end, or any other equipment not provided by the Company andor any Internet connection malfunction andor any computer program or software bugs andor errors including but not limited to delays in the transmittal of your orders or the delayed receipt thereof. You shall be responsible for providing and maintaining the means by which to access the Web site, which may include without limitation a personal computer, modem and telephone or other access line. You shall be responsible for all access, service, license and subscription fees necessary to connect to the Web site and assume all charges incurred in accessing such systems. You further assume all risks associated with the use and storage of information on your personal computer or on any other computer through which you will gain access to the Web site and the services (hereinafter referred to as computer or your computer). You represent and warrant that you have implemented and plan to operate and maintain appropriate protection in relation to the security and control of access to your computer, computer viruses or other similar harmful or inappropriate materials, devices, information or data. You agree that the Company shall not be liable in any way to you in the event of failure of or damage or destruction to your computer systems, data or records or any part thereof, or for delays, losses, errors or omissions resulting from the failure or mismanagement of any telecommunications or computer equipment or software. You shall not transmit to or in any way, whether directly or indirectly, expose the Company or any of its online service providers to any computer virus or other similarly harmful or inappropriate material or device. h) You acknowledge and confirm that the Company does not represent, warrant or guarantee that: (i) you will be able to access or use the web site at times or locations of your choosing, or that the Company will have adequate capacity for the web site as a whole or in any geographic location and (ii) the web site will provide uninterrupted and error-free service. You hereby further acknowledge and confirm that the Company shall not be responsible for an impossibility to execute orders and requirements due to failures in the operation of information systems caused by faults, of any kind whatsoever. i) You shall duly report your activities to any applicable tax or other authority, as may be required by any laws applicable to you or to your country of residence and you shall pay all applicable taxes, levies, governmental fees and charges associated with the activities of your account including required deductions at source and you forego any claim against the Company in this respect. j) You shall not abuse this site nor the System for the purpose of money laundering. The Company employs best-practice anti-money laundering procedures, which may have several effects on you. The Company reserves the right to refuse to do business with, to discontinue to do business with, and to reverse the Transactions of, customers who do not accept or adhere to these anti-money laundering processes. The anti-money laundering processes have the following effects on customers: k) You must complete the account opening form which requests details that establish your identity. l) Winnings may only be paid out to the account-holder, and to a bank account under hisher own name and not to any third partys account. When maintaining an account by means of telegraphic deposits, winnings are only paid to the holder of the originating bank account, and it is the account-holders responsibility to ensure that their banks account number and name accompany all transfers to the Company. When a client maintains an account by means of creditdebit card deposits, winnings are paid back to the same card up to the value of the collateral deposited. Additional winnings will be transferred by telegraphic means subject to the conditions described above. 60 Regaena Street, 3rd Floor, 1010 Nicosia, Cyprus novoxcapital infonovoxcapital Tel. 357 22 272 520 m) Only one account is allowed per person. No winnings may be collected on accounts opened in false names or on multiple accounts opened by the same person. n) In the event that you choose to make use of Robots or Expert Advisors, you do so at your own risk, and Novox Capital Ltd takes absolutely no responsibility for any losses incurred due to these. Novox does not develop, provide or manage Robots EAs in any manner whatsoever. o) You have read this Agreement in its entirety, and understood its content and implications, including the risk of loss of all of your Collateral, before accepting its terms. 13. Improper or Abusive Trading Should you execute trading strategies acting in bad faith, that is, you or any representative of yours trading on your behalf is committing any improper or abusive trading act such as for example: a) fraudillegal actions that led to the transaction b) orders placed based on manipulated prices as a result of system errors or system malfunctions c) arbitrage trading on prices offered by our platforms as a result of systems errors andor d) coordinated transactions by related parties in order to take advantage of systems errors and delays on systems updates. Then the Company will have the right to: i. adjust the price spreads available to you andor ii. restrict your access to streaming, instantly tradable quotes, including providing manual quotation only andor iii. obtain from your account any historic trading profits that you have gained through such abuse of liquidity as determined by us at any time during our trading relationship andor iv. reject an order or to cancel a trade andor v. immediately terminate our trading relationship 1. In order to be able to start using the System to execute Transactions, you shall be required to transfer moneys to an account designated by the Company, to be used as collateral for the Transactions described herein. 2. Funds belonging to clients for the purpose of trading will be kept in one or more omnibus accounts with any bank or financial institution used to accept funds which the Company will specify from time to time and will be held in the Companys name. 3. It is understood that the Company may hold funds on behalf of Clients in a bank established outside the European Union. The legal and regulatory regime applying to any such bank might be different from the legal and regulatory regime in Cyprus and the European Union and in the event of the insolvency or any other analogous events in relation to that bank, Clients funds may be treated differently from the treatment which would apply if the funds were held with a bank in an account in Cyprus and the European Union. The Company will not be liable for the insolvency, acts or omissions of any third party referred to in this clause. 4. Any profits accruing from your Transactions shall be added to clients accounts as supplementary collateral. All losses resulting from your Transactions shall be deducted from clients accounts. 5. To remove any doubts, credit balances shall bear no interest. 15. Trading Bonuses 038 Competitions All bonuses are redeemable. This means that the actual bonus itself can be withdrawn. For information on the specific trading volume requirements please read the companys Bonus Terms 038 Conditions. If a client submits a withdrawal request prior to trading the necessary volume, as defined in the terms of the bonus, then the bonus amount (and any subsequent profits) will be removed before the client can withdraw any 60 Regaena Street, 3rd Floor, 1010 Nicosia, Cyprus novoxcapital infonovoxcapital Tel. 357 22 272 520 of the remaining funds. When stated so, cash bonuses can be instantly withdrawn as cash, with no attached terms or conditions. Clients are free to accept or reject any bonus, but are always urged to refrain from abusing them. Abusing any of the offers could lead to cancellation of the bonusbenefit and closure of the clients account on the Companys website. The bonusesbenefits must be used within the period defined in the details of the special offer. Should the bonus benefit fail to be used within this time frame, the bonusbenefit will be withdrawn from the clients account. The Company reserves the right to revoke the bonusbenefit should the special offer be abused andor should the offers terms fail to be met. The Companys decision should this be the case shall be final. The Company reserves the right to revoke or change the offers at any time without prior notice. The minimum deposit for a bonusbenefit is 200. The maximum bonusbenefit a trader can receive is 10,000. From time to time the operator may offer various competitions to its clients, the winners of which will be published on the website. Also from time to time the company may offer a certain number of secure trades to its clients. With secure trades the company will reimburse any pre-defined number of trading losses incurred by the client, with a bonus of equal size, as specified in the terms of the offer. Occasionally the company may have a draw and award the winners gifts such as laptops, smartphones, software andor free memberships to financial information companies. In such cases the trader will be informed from within the advertisement what needs to be done to enter the draw. For example the trader may have to download a smartphone application or answer a questionnaire. The winners, as randomly drawn, will be published on the website, and these published results will be final. Winners will be informed by email, and any physical prizes will be posted directly to them. 16. Additional deposits, Withdrawals 1. Any withdrawal of the available cash in a clients account, whether partial or total, including any accrued profits (but not future profits) shall be executed by the client, via the online trading platform, with prior notice to the Company of at least seven business days. 2. Withdrawal amounts are always returned back to the original source of deposit (the credit card, for example), up to the amount of the deposit. Any further amounts (profits), may be also credited to the credit card, or they will be forwarded by bank wire to the clients personal bank account, in the country where the trading account is registered. 3. Withdrawal requests are submitted by the client directly into the system via the online withdrawal facility. Withdrawal requests are not accepted over the telephone or by email, except in very rare cases when the client is undergoing technical difficulties, in which case the withdrawal may be executed manually for the client. All communications surrounding such manual withdrawals are logged and archived. 4. All withdrawal orders made by the client must follow the provision of the proper set of compliance documentations or any other type of client authentication as may be required from time to time by Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Regulations, credit card companies and the Website as a prerequisite, prior to the execution of a withdrawal order. Specifically for clients who deposited using a creditdebit card, no withdraw will be cleared for execution until the client has submitted a color copy of the front and back of the credit card used. In the event where the client submits a withdrawal request prior to submitting the color copies of the creditdebit card used, then the withdrawal will be placed on a 7 day pending status. If the client submits the missing document within the 7 days, then the withdrawal will be processed. If not, the complete available balance in the clients account (minus any profits) will be returned to the client (to the credit cardbank account of origin), and the account will be closed. 5. All withdrawals are subject to the discretion of the Companys Compliance Department and any suspicious transaction shall be recorded and reported accordingly. 6. For withdrawals to be executed they must also abide by the T038C for any possible trading bonuses granted. 7. To remove any doubts, all withdrawals requested by you shall be transferred to you within, and no later than, seven (7) business days following your request for payment, provided all terms and conditions for withdrawals have been satisfied. 60 Regaena Street, 3rd Floor, 1010 Nicosia, Cyprus novoxcapital infonovoxcapital Tel. 357 22 272 520 8. You the client are allowed one free withdrawal each month. For every subsequent withdrawal in the same month there will be a 3030 processing charge. 9. The minimum acceptable withdrawal amount is 303030. Amounts smaller than this will be rejected automatically by the system. 10. No funds or assets shall be transferred by one party to the other with respect to any Transaction, other than settlement of your losses which shall be deducted by the Company or an authorized party on its behalf from the Collateral and payments of accrued profits made out to you by the Company or an authorized party on its behalf. 11. Clients may transfer to their account, at any time, additional funds to be used as Collateral for Transactions. All terms of this Agreement shall apply to any additional funds so deposited. 12. Payment by credit cards may be made to the Company via creditdebit cards subject to the regulations of the applicable credit cards issuers. 13. No withdrawals will be processed on days which are public holidays in Cyprus. A list of these holidays can be found at en. wikipedia. orgwikiPublicholidaysinCyprus 17. Closure of account To request the closure of their account clients must complete and submit the Account Termination Form. Having completed the form and emailed it in to the company the client should also ensure that all trades have been closed from within the trading platform, and then the client should also submit a withdrawal request for all the funds in their account. In the event that a clients account is closed by the company due to non-completion or the failing of compliance, then all the funds remaining in the clients account (minus any profits) will be returned to the source credit card bank account. The MLCO will consider further investigation under AML policies. The company reserves the right to close the account of any client who is considered to carry a risk to the future of the company and for the clients of the company. This will especially apply if the client is suspected of using alternative pricing engines tools, or even insider information, which is bringing about continuous and large losses to the company. Prior to closing a clients account, however, a full investigation is made, and the client is placed in the high-risk category. This will result in the client receiving pricing and spreads more appropriate to his continuous profits. If the client remains on the high-risk-category, which can only be the result of some kind of technical manipulation, the clients account will be closed. If the clients manipulative actions cannot be proved, the balance of their account will be withdrawn to the client, and a communication will be sent to the client explaining the reasons behind these actions. If, on the other hand, manipulation is proven, no further monies will be sent to the client, the account will be closed, a communication will be sent expla ining the companys actions, and possibly legal action will be taken against the client also. 18. Duly Authorized Persons Only the account-holders themselves are authorized to trade using their individual trading accounts. If an accountholder allows any third person access to his account to trade on his behalf, he does so at his own risk, and the company neither approves of such action, neither takes any responsibility for anyall loses incurred. 19. Recording of Telephone Conversation and Record Keeping The Company, or an authorized party on its behalf, will record every telephone conversation. 1. The Company or an authorized party on its behalf shall maintain records of all your Transactions. 2. Any of these recordsrecordings may be used by the Company for any purpose the Company sees fit (provided that this does not conflict with the risk disclosure), including the resolution of conflicts which might occur between the Parties. 3. It is hereby clarified that the said recordsrecordings are the sole property of the Company and it is under no obligation to deliver or expose such material to anyone. It is further clarified, that in the event in which the Company shall be required to deliver a copy of such or provide documentation regarding your account, following strict instructions from the competent bodies or authorities, you shall bear the full cost of duplicating andor 60 Regaena Street, 3rd Floor, 1010 Nicosia, Cyprus novoxcapital infonovoxcapital Tel. 357 22 272 520 copying of any record andor documents in accordance with the then current the Company official price list for such services. 20. Risks and Liability a) All Transactions to be carried out by you are executed on your behalf and at your risk. Neither the Company nor any authorized party on its behalf shall be held liable for any loss, damage or debt incurred by you resulting directly or indirectly by actions contemplated under this Agreement. To remove any doubts, in any event, any sum to be claimed by you may not exceed your Collateral. b) In reading this, all clients hereby declare that they understand and accept that a fundamental pre-condition to this Agreement, relates to the Companys right to close at any time, without an advanced notice, any Transaction executed by the client, in the event that their portfolio shall be of zero value or less, as calculated with respect to the fluctuations in the Financial Contracts prices. The company is following strictly all EMIR reporting requirements. At the end of each trading day, confirmations of all Transactions that have been executed on that trading day will be available via the Customers online account through the System. Clients may request to receive account statements monthly or quarterly via email, by providing such a request to the Company, but the Company is not obliged to provide the Clients with hard-copy account statements. The account statement is provided at the expense of the client. 22. Commissions and fees Clients are not charged any commissions or fees by the Company for any Transaction executed unless agreed otherwise by the Parties hereto. However, any and all bank charges (concerning transfer, charges etc) will be deducted from the clients cash balance. Ada juga biaya tidak aktif 1010GB10 bulan yang akan dikenakan kepada setiap klien yang akunnya tidak aktif untuk jangka waktu lebih dari 3 bulan. Activity, in this sense, is a client logging in to their trading account. The fee will be deducted directly from each clients trading account, from their available balance. To avoid this 1010GB10 inactivity charge a client must log in to their trading account at least once every three (3) months. Clients whom have never deposited money in their trading account, will not be charged an inactivity fee. Clients with less than a 1010GB10 balance in their trading account, will be charged that balance amount, thus bringing their account to zero. Suspended accounts are still liable to pay the inactivity fee, if conditions arise. Closeddisabled accounts are not charged inactivity fees. For foreign currency accounts the inactivity fee will be a direct conversion of US10, using the conversion rate of the day 23. Transactions and Trade Characteristic 1. Every Transaction shall be executed in accordance with the applicable procedures as set forth in the Best Execution Policy. For all intents and purposes the acceptance of a Transaction by you and the deposit of the Collateral to be used in such a Transaction shall be sufficient consideration. 2. The acceptance of your instructions by the Company and the facilitation of execution of Financial Contracts by the Company shall be in accordance with customary practices in the international financial markets and customary practices which apply to Financial Contracts of the nature of the Contracts executed by you using the System. 24. Stop of Trade, Inaccurate Quotes, Force Majeure 1. You understand that the trading facilities provided by the System, may be halted or suspended at any time without a prior notice due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the Company. In such an event, the Company or an authorized party on its behalf may close any open positions clients may have (by performing a Reverse Transaction) without prior written notice being sent to the clients, at fair market value reflecting, as closely as possible, the applicable prices of the relevant Contracts. Clients hereby waive any claims of indemnification suits causes of action against the Company in such an event and acknowledge that such waiver is a pre-condition to the validity of this Agreement. 2. The Company reserves the right to cancel any Transaction which due to a System andor human error, whether under the control of the Company or not, has been executed at a price which at the time of the Transaction was not the indicative andor accurate price of that said Financial Contract created by the transaction. 60 Regaena Street, 3rd Floor, 1010 Nicosia, Cyprus novoxcapital infonovoxcapital Tel. 357 22 272 520 25. Intellectual property 1. This Web site belongs to Novox Capital Ltd or a third party including our licensors. This content may include names, terms andor data which may or may not be identified with a symbol identifying it as a name, term or item in which copyright is claimed or a registered trademark is held. The lack of any such symbol All copyright, database rights, trade marks and other intellectual property rights in the content of should not, under any circumstances, be understood as meaning that the name, term or data is not the intellectual of either ourselves or a third party. 2. Any third party intellectual property used by us in the content of our Web site should not be interpreted as meaning that the third party owner sponsors, endorses or is in any way affiliated with us or with our business, nor that they make any representation regarding the advisability of trading in our products. 3. Except where necessary in order to view the information on this Web site on your browser, or as permitted under Republic of Cyprus law or these T038C, no information or content on this Web site may be reproduced, adapted, uploaded to a third party, linked to, framed, performed in public, distributed or transmitted in any form by any process without our specific written consent. In addition to the above, you agree not to deep-link to the Web site, resell or permit access to the Web site to others and not to copy any materials appearing on the Web site for resale or for any other purpose to others without the prior written consent of the Company. For the avoidance of doubt, you shall be responsible and be bound by any unauthorized use of the site by you, made in breach of this section. You agree to use the information received from the information systems of the Company for the sole purpose of executing Transactions inside and within the Companys Web site or System. You further agree not to use any electronic communication feature of a Service on the site for any purpose that is unlawful, tortuous, abusive, and intrusive on anothers privacy, harassing, libelous, defamatory, embarrassing, obscene, threatening or hateful. The license granted under this Agreement shall be terminated if the Company shall have reason to believe that any information provided by you, including your e-mail address, is no longer current or accurate, or if you fail to otherwise comply with any terms or conditions of this Agreement and all rules and guidelines for each service. Upon such violation, you agree to cease access to the Services. You agree that the Company, at its sole discretion and with or without notice, may terminate your access to any or all Services, and remove and discard any information or content within a Service. The license granted to you by the Company in this Agreement to use the Software, will remain in effect for so long as this Agreement or any amended agreement which replaces it from time to time, also remains in full force and effect. Ownership of the Software, Documentation and all intellectual property rights therein shall remain at all times with the Company. Any other use of the Software by any person, business, corporation, government organization or any other entity is strictly forbidden and is a violation of this Agreement. 30. Proprietary Protection The Web site, Software and Documentation contain material that is protected by international copyright, trade secrets and trademark laws, and by applicable international treaty provisions. All rights not granted to you herein are expressly reserved by the Company or its applicable licensor, suppliers or partners. You may not remove any proprietary notice of the Company from any copy of the Software or Documentation. 60 Regaena Street, 3rd Floor, 1010 Nicosia, Cyprus novoxcapital infonovoxcapital Tel. 357 22 272 520 You may not copy, publish, display, disclose, rent, lease, modify, loan, distribute, or create derivative works based on the Software or any part thereof. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, translate, adapt, or disassemble the Software, nor shall you attempt to create the source code from the object code for the Software. You may transfer the Software to other computers that you own, as long as you only use it on one computer at a time. The Company may provide links to other sites that are controlled or offered by third parties. Such link to a site(s) is not an endorsement, authorization, sponsorship or affiliation with respect to such site, its owners or its providers. The Company cautions clients to make sure they understand the risks involved in using those site(s) before retrieving, using, relying upon or purchasing anything via the Internet. Links to these web sites are provided solely for your convenience, and client agrees that under no circumstances will they hold the Company liable for any loss or damage caused by use of or reliance on any content, goods or services available on other sites. 33. Current and binding form Client acknowledges and agrees to the fact that the Company may update andor adjust andor amend the terms of this Agreement from time to time according to the needs of its activity and in its sole discretion, provided however that the accurate and current binding form shall be communicated to the client and published on the Companys Web site. The binding form of this Agreement shall be in accordance with the current form in force at any applicable time. Client acknowledges that the Software contains proprietary trade secrets of the Company and they hereby agree to maintain the confidentiality of the Software using at least as great a degree of care as you use to maintain the confidentiality of your own most confidential information. You agree to reasonably communicate the T038C of this Agreement to those persons employed by you who come into contact with the Software, and to use best efforts to ensure their compliance with such T038C. 35. Limited Warranty ANY USE BY YOU OF THE COMPANYS WEB SITE AND SOFTWARE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE WEB SITE AND SOFTWARE ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER BY THE COMPANY INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MERCHANTABILITY FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE COMPANY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, BOTH EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE COMPANY WILL ENSURE, AS FAR AS POSSIBLE, THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET ANY REQUIREMENTS OR NEEDS YOU MAY HAVE, OR THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL OPERATE ERROR FREE, OR IN AN UNINTERRUPTED FASHION, OR THAT ANY DEFECTS OR ERRORS IN THE SOFTWARE WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT THE SOFTWARE IS COMPATIBLE WITH ANY PARTICULAR PLATFORM. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT GOOD DATA PROCESSING PROCEDURE DICTATES THAT ANY PROGRAM INCLUDING THE SOFTWARE MUST BE THOROUGHLY TESTED WITH NON-CRITICAL DATA BEFORE YOU RELY ON IT, AND YOU HEREBY ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THE SOFTWARE. THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS LICENSE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE WAIVER OR EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES SO THEY MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 36. Limitation of Liability IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COMPANY ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS OR EMPLOYEES BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY, EVEN IF THE COMPANY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE COMPANYS AGGREGATE LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF THE FEES PAID BY YOU FOR THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION. BECAUSE SOME STATESCOUNTRIES DO NOT 60 Regaena Street, 3rd Floor, 1010 Nicosia, Cyprus novoxcapital infonovoxcapital Tel. 357 22 272 520 ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. The company is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of telephone network or lines, on any computer online systems, servers or providers, hardware, software, or failure due to technical or traffic congestion problems on the Internet or on any of the site or services. 37. Anti Money Laundering No person shall abuse this site for the purpose of money laundering. The Company is obliged to follow the requirements as set out by the European Union, relevant domestic laws and the Regulations issued by CySEC for the prevention and suppression of money laundering activities. It is thus required by the company to obtain certain verification documents from its Customers. The Company maintains policies and procedures designed to detect any risk of failure by the Company in order to comply with its obligations under the regulatory authority. The Company may request from the Customer to inform it on the origin of the money being invested. This process may require proof of certain documentation. The Company may use the Customer information in order to carry out credit, anti-money laundering and fraud prevention checks to exercise andor defend the Companys legal rights and to comply with applicable Regulations and the requests of regulatory and enforcement authorities in any jurisdiction. The Company reserves the right to refuse to do any business with and to reverse the transactions of Customers in accordance with the AML requirements and policies. 38. Privacy Statement The Company regards of prime importance the privacy of its Customers and protection of their personal information. The company stores and processes client information on servers where it is protected by both physical and technological security measures. The company shall not sell or rent client personal information to third parties for any purposes without clients previous explicit consent and we shall only use this information as described in our Privacy Policy. 39. Termination of Agreement a) The Company may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the client notice to this effect. b) Clients may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the Company a 48 hours advanced notice. c) Termination of the Agreement by any of the Parties shall require clients to close all open positions by executing the required Transactions. d) As of the date of the termination notice by clients, they may not execute any new Transactions, which shall open new positions in their accounts. 40. Investor Compensation Fund The Company being a member of the Investors Compensation Fund (the Fund) provides the Customer with the extra security of receiving compensation from the Fund, for any claims arising from the malfunction on behalf of the Company or if the Company fails to fulfill its obligations regardless of whether that obligation arises from a breach of applicable law or regulations, the Agreement or from any wrongdoing by the Company. By accepting the Agreement the client has read, understood and accepted the information under the title INVESTOR COMPENSATION FUND which is published on this website, available for all to read. Payments under the Investor Compensation Fund in respect of investments are subject to a maximum payment to any investor of EUR 20,000. 41. Conflicts of Interest a) The Company is required to have systems in place to manage conflicts of interest between the Company and its customers and between other customers. The Company will make all reasonable efforts to avoid conflicts of interest and when they cannot be avoided it shall ensure that customers are treated fairly and at the highest level of integrity and that their interests are protected at all times. b) The Customer acknowledges and accepts that he has read and accepted the Conflicts of Interest policy of 60 Regaena Street, 3rd Floor, 1010 Nicosia, Cyprus novoxcapital infonovoxcapital Tel. 357 22 272 520 the Company, which is published on this website. a) This Agreement and T038C. including all Sections listed herein, comprises the entire and exclusive agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all prior and contemporaneous agreements, understandings, arrangements, proposals or representations whether written or oral, heretofore made between the Parties and relating to this subject matter. In the event that Customer is comprised of several entities or individuals, the terms of this Agreement shall bind all of them jointly and severally. b) All obligations under this Agreement shall be performed by and between the Parties. This Agreement does not create any rights on behalf of, or to the benefit of, any other third party not a signatory hereto. c) Clients may not transfer this Agreement or any of their rights or obligations hereunder to any third party. d) The Company or an authorized party on its behalf may send to clients any notices and documents by post, telex, courier, e-mail or by fax, as it deems fit. Any notice to be sent by clients to the Company must be sent by certified mail or by courier. Such notice shall be effective upon its actual receipt by the Company. e) This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and shall be governed by the Republic of Cyprus, notwithstanding any conflicts of laws principles. Each of the Parties hereby irrevocably (i) consents to any suit, legal action or proceeding with respect to this Agreement being brought exclusively in the competent courts of the Republic of Cyprus (the Courts) and waives to the fullest extent permitted by law any objection which it may have now or hereafter to the venue of any such suit, action or proceeding in any such Courts and any claim that any such suit, action or proceeding has been brought in an inconvenient forum, (ii) acknowledges the competence of such Courts, (iii) explicitly submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of such Courts in any such suit, action or proceeding, and (iv) agrees that final judgment in any such suit, action or proceeding brought in such Courts shall be conclusive and binding upon it and may be enforced in all courts. f) In the event that a client wishes to make a complaint heshe must complete and submit the online complaint form. The company will respond within 48 hours. By using the services offered by the Company and by using this website the user agrees that Novox Capital Ltd. the author and any other entities associated with Novox Capital Ltd. shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect, consequential loss or any damages whatsoever arising from this usage, or the use of any information, signals, software, messages, manual, worksheet, instructions, alerts, directives etc. and any other information contained in regard to its use and understanding. a) By accessing, visiting andor using this Website or any other webpage thereon, you unequivocally and unreservedly express your binding agreement to any and all of these terms. b) Protecting your privacy is one of our top priorities. This privacy policy sets out how we collect information regarding Website users, what we may do with it, and what you can do to protect your privacy. c) This policy applies to all information collected to or submitted on Website. You may be able to execute financial transactions, make requests, submit data, register to receive materials, etc. Types of personal information that may be collected on Website include users name, home address, e-mail address, telephone number, bank account, credit card number, etc. whether pertaining to yourself, or to third parties, where you act on behalf of any such party. Information from various sources may be combined by Website. You may update part of your personal information from time to time by accessing your Site account and act according to the updating your information instructions therein. You hereby confirm that you aware to the fact that due to legal requirements some of your information detailed cannot be changed. d) Website may also collect other types of information, as logged by Websites servers, including your IP address, browser type and language, and the date and time of your visit, in order to infer certain user trends or to block certain users from accessing Website. Thus, Website may assign your computer one or more cookies which 60 Regaena Street, 3rd Floor, 1010 Nicosia, Cyprus novoxcapital infonovoxcapital Tel. 357 22 272 520 may collect information in order to facilitate access to Website and to personalize your online experience, and or use standard or non-standard internet tools, such as web beacons or monitoring programs, which collect information that tracks your use of Website and enables it to customize our services and promotions. e) Personal information given to us by you shall not be disclosed to any third party without your prior consent, unless such information: (i) is required to be disclosed to related companies of ours (ii) was publicly known to us andor made generally available in the public domain prior to the time of disclosure by you (iii) becomes publicly known and made generally available after disclosure by you to us through no action or inaction of us (iv) is required to be disclosed by law or regulation, in which case we shall give the you as much advance notice of the proposed disclosure as is practical (including a copy of any written request or order)in order to allow you to limit or restrict such disclosure (v) is furnished or made known to us by a third party otherwise than in breach of any of our confidentiality obligation hereunder is independently developed by us without reference to the information disclosed by you or was known to us, without restriction, at the time of disclosure by you , as shall be shown and evidenced by written documents or (vii) is required to be disclosed in order for us to protect our rights. f) In order to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. g) In order to protect child privacy, we never knowingly collect or maintain information from users under 18 no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 18. h) If you so wish, you may choose and ask not to receive emails andor newsletters from the Website, andor delete or decline cookies by changing your browser settings. i) This privacy policy may be changed from time to time. We reserve the right, at any time, to amend, alter, modify or change, as we see fit, any term of this Privacy Policy our without any prior notice, and you hereby agree to conform to the current version as published in this site. Privacy Policy


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